SMARTOV CAR CHARGHER - wireless charger-phone holder


The content of the article:

  • What is wireless charging
  • Working principle and installation
  • What to do if there is no wireless charging in the phone
  • Price of a set of charging-holder SMARTOV CAR CHARGHER

SMARTOV CAR CHARGHER is a special wireless charger-holder for your phone in the car. Thanks to such a device, the phone will be securely fixed and always charged while you are driving or doing your business. Thus, wireless charging SMARTOV CAR CHARGHER will save you from the need to constantly carry branded chargers with you, change the charges when changing your phone, or constantly remember to recharge your phone.

Considering our time, in which it is almost impossible to do without a mobile phone, smartphone or other gadget, and 99% of business transactions are practically not solved without smartphones, then do not forget about recharging your mobile phone. Push-button phones are becoming a thing of the past, replacing them with smartphones, but do not forget that the performance of smartphones from one battery charge is much less, which means that it will need to be charged more often. SMARTOV CAR CHARGHER is one of those technologies that will help keep your phone going. Best for people who spend most of their time in the car, the SMARTOV CAR CHARGHER is both a holder and a wireless charger.

How the SMARTOV CAR CHARGHER wireless charger works

At least one in three people today have heard of wireless charging of mobile phones and other devices. Manufacturers have introduced and named the Qi standard, and the marking on the devices in the form of the letter "Q". For the first time, they started talking about the emergence of wireless charging technology back in 2009, presenting the first options for substations. Today, wireless charging is most often found in premium smartphones or cars.

Despite the presence of the wireless charging function, the main role is played by the station that gives the charging signal, in our case it is the SMARTOV CAR CHARGHER holder itself. Therefore, car manufacturers have given the main green light for the development of Qi technology. Premium cars are almost impossible to imagine without this Qi technology, but what if the car is ordinary, and this system is most in demand. SMARTOV CAR CHARGHER has become a variant of the situation when you can install the wireless charging base anywhere and in the car.

Wireless charging technology can be found in almost any well-known brand, SMARTOV CAR CHARGHER is no exception. But no matter how loudly the manufacturer announced it, for the first time the technology of transmitting energy at a distance was described by Marie Ampere, who, due to the magnetic field, was able to produce an electric current. Nicolas Tesla's developments are no less respectable; in order to prove the efficiency of the transmission of energy over a distance, he built a special tower. Many initially did not know why in the future to apply the transferred energy, while other scientists simply did not see potential development in this. Only with the emergence of the need to charge smartphones in this way, wireless charging technology, and SMARTOV CAR CHARGHER became one of the examples of such technology.

The principle of operation of SMARTOV CAR CHARGHER wireless charging is based on the electromagnetic induction technology, similarly to other devices of this class. Talking about the laws of physics themselves is not worth it, since they are easy to find on the Internet or in a school textbook. In short - an alternating current, passing through the primary winding of the coil, creates a magnetic field. The result is a voltage in the take-up coil that can be used to charge a battery or power other devices. The SMARTOV CAR CHARGHER device is similar, and it will work perfectly with the Qi standard.

The farther the coils are from one another, the more the magnetic field is scattered, and the less voltage is generated for charging. It is this indicator (the distance of one coil from another) that is considered the main characteristic when choosing wireless charging. In the SMARTOV CAR CHARGHER charger-holder, the coils are located practically next to each other; together with the fasteners, they give the best parameters for recharging.

Why is SMARTOV CAR CHARGHER better than others?

If you do not have standard wireless charging in your car, and the need for it is extremely important, then all that remains is to install non-standard options. A frequent reason is the search for a place, since in the car the phone must be charged at the same time, lie stably in one place and at the same time you can use it at any time, in SMARTOV CAR CHARGHER everything is included in one. Agree that while driving and a situation when they call you, turning off the charging or pulling a mobile phone with a wire to your ear is not the most convenient option. In any case, then it will need to be connected back to the charging cable. In some cases, you will need to snuggle to the side of the road or even stand in order to return the charger and the phone to the desired state.

The convenience of the new SMARTOV CAR CHARGHER is that it is not just an inexpensive, high-quality wireless charger, but at the same time a good holder for a phone or a small gadget. As a result, you don't have to constantly look for a charging cable or think about the need to recharge your smartphone. It is enough to install it on SMARTOV CAR CHARGHER and drive calmly. In addition, the phone is always in the holder; during a call, the mobile can be easily removed from the charge and returned back.


We described the primitive principle of operation of the main part of the SMARTOV CAR CHARGHER wireless charging holder a little higher. The main power is supplied from a 12V outlet or a cigarette lighter, as well as power can be taken from the USB port. According to the technical data, power supply SMARTOV CAR CHARGHER at the input 5V 2A, and at the output 5V 1A, this is enough to charge your gadget. In addition to charging, SMARTOV CAR CHARGHER provides reliable holding and stability of the phone on the surface. Depending on the wishes of the owner, you can rotate the main part of the SMARTOV CAR CHARGHER fastener 360 degrees and set the angle of inclination, which allows you to adjust it to any needs. On top of that, the main part of the SMARTOV CAR CHARGHER holder, where the phone is installed, received a blue LED backlight, at night you can easily return the phone to the holder. In other words, with SMARTOV CAR CHARGHER you can use your phone at full capacity, without thinking about prematurely draining the battery.

According to the owners who bought SMARTOV CAR CHARGHER, it can be used not only in the car, but also at home, by placing it on a table near a computer or laptop, and powering one of the devices from the USB port. Others use SMARTOV CAR CHARGHER in everyday life, completing it with a special small power supply that converts 220V variables into 5V constant ones. In short, the main purpose of the SMARTOV CAR CHARGHER wireless charging holder is a car, but no one further restricts its use. To operate the SMARTOV CAR CHARGHER, you need to install it on the surface, connect one side of the cable to the charging holder itself, and the other to the power source and start using the device.

If your smartphone does not have a wireless charging function

It's one thing when your phone supports the Qi standard and the SMARTOV CAR CHARGHER wireless charger became a godsend and help. But it's another matter when the phone does not have such a function, but it is extremely necessary.

We figured out what SMARTOV CAR CHARGHER is and how it works, but don't be upset if your phone doesn't have wireless charging. The developers of this technology went to meet those wishing to develop and modernize their mobile phones.On the Internet, you can find a detailed list of brands and models of smartphones that support this wireless charging (more precisely, the already built-in technology from the factory).

In order to add wireless charging to your phone and use SMARTOV CAR CHARGHER to the fullest, you will need to purchase a special adapter no thicker than a couple of sheets of paper. The adapter is a special secondary coil capable of generating energy through a magnetic field. At the end of such an adapter there is a Micro USB connector, although in some cases it can be matched to your charging socket. As a rule, such an adapter is immediately plugged into the phone's charger socket, and the rest is placed between the cover and the battery. As a result, the phone will receive a wireless charging function and can easily be recharged from SMARTOV CAR CHARGHER.

Options and price SMARTOV CAR CHARGHER

Usually, knowing that the technology is new, everyone thinks and the price is correspondingly cosmic. If wireless charging is not included in the standard set of your car, and the manufacturer suggests adding such a function, then often it will cost at least $ 300, since it is standard and branded. Although, in fact, there is nothing different from the SMARTOV CAR CHARGHER wireless charger.

When buying a separate wireless charger for a car, you should remember that it must be attached in a convenient place, and so that the phone is always in sight. Usually this becomes a problem or you have to spoil the interior details. In the case of buying SMARTOV CAR CHARGHER, such difficulties will not arise, this is a wireless charger and a holder in one.

Incoming power5V 2A
Outgoing power supply, constant (DC)5V 1A
Charging distance, maximum8 mm
Holder diameter, mm83
Charging blade diameter, mm80
Height, mm93
Weight, gr79
wireless car charging adapter SMARTOV CAR CHARGHER
clip for charging
smartphone mount
Micro USB cable
instruction for SMARTOV CAR CHARGHER

Most often, you can buy wireless charging on the Internet, since not all representatives specialize in this in ordinary mobile stores. But do not forget that with such a technology you can be deceived by sending an ordinary piece of plastic or poor-quality charging, which can damage your phone's battery.

If you want to buy a wireless charger-holder SMARTOV CAR CHARGHER on the Internet and in trading floors, you will need to pay at least $ 200, since the thing is in good demand. By clicking on the link below, the distributor offers to buy SMARTOV CAR CHARGHER with a 50% discount. The usual price is UAH 3,580 (RUB 7,617). With a discount, the price of SMARTOV CAR CHARGHER is 1790 UAH. (3790 rubles). Here is a banner link to the supplier's official online store:

Another plus of purchasing the SMARTOV CAR CHARGHER wireless charging holder from this distributor is responsibility, reliability and warranty. The product is in constant availability in the warehouse, after placing the application, the manager will contact you to clarify the details of the order and confirm the delivery address. The goods are dispatched on the day of the order or in the morning of the next day, but most importantly, pay for the new SMARTOV CAR CHARGHER only upon receipt. In addition, taking into account the promotion for the wireless charging holder, the delivery of SMARTOV CAR CHARGHER will be free of charge.
