How to buy a used sports car profitably


The content of the article:

  • Expendable materials
  • Modification
  • Working fluids
  • Vehicle depreciation
  • Guarantee
  • Diagnostics at the service center
  • Issue price
  • Correct conversation with the seller

A good sports car is a dream and the envy of many motorists, because it has always been fashionable and prestigious to have this fast and beautiful "horse". There is hardly such a driver? who would have given up on a sports car. But this car has one significant "drawback" - too high a price.

Yes, the price of new sports cars is so high that not everyone can afford such a car without a run. Therefore, many people turn their eyes to used sports cars, trying to choose among them such that the price is not extortionate, and the condition of the car suits.

Today we will talk about how to choose the right used sports car so that later it will not be excruciatingly painful for wasted money.

So you've found a private sports car ad that interests you. Of course, you will want to inspect the offered product, and we will tell you what you should pay attention to first of all.

Expendable materials

Since a sports car and high speed are inseparable concepts, when inspecting a car, you need to evaluate those parts of it that bear the maximum load during high-speed movement of the car and, accordingly, wear out quickly.
These are the consumable parts of a sports car. Let's list them:

  • tires;
  • discs and brake pads;
  • clutch;
  • brakes.

When talking with the seller, you need to emphasize that these parts of the car may be worn out. And he, in turn, must prove the opposite to you, and prove it so that it is obvious. And, if he failed to do this, demand a reduction in the price of the car.

And if, nevertheless, the seller managed to convince you that the consumable parts of the car are at least in a satisfactory condition, then when buying this car, in any case, make a financial adjustment for the possible replacement of these parts in the near future.


Modifications to the sports car you are inspecting should also not be ignored. It's no secret that regular restyling is a common thing for sports cars. They are constantly being improved, changing their appearance and technical characteristics.

Therefore, keep in mind - if you have a sports car of an earlier model, then finding spare parts for it will be very problematic. Be sure to inform the seller about this, hinting at a decrease in value.

Otherwise, after purchasing a sports car, you will have to incur additional costs for rare parts. I must say that even the price of a sports car tires is noticeably higher than the price of rubber for a simple family car due to the high speed index.

Working fluids

The "circulatory system" of a car is the main condition for its proper functioning. Working fluids tend to deteriorate and therefore need to be changed regularly. This applies to sports cars to a greater extent, because they are subjected to more severe loads.

But the point is that it is impossible to determine the freshness of engine oil, coolant or brake fluid by visual inspection of the car. Therefore, when you get to know the autocar, ask the owner to present documentation confirming the appropriate actions of the car service workers to replace all types of working fluids.

As already mentioned, it is impossible to visually determine the quality of the oil, but its level is quite accessible to check. Therefore, be sure to check, and if this level exceeds the norm, this may indicate that the owner of the car did not change the oil, but only added it before putting the car for sale. Feel free to voice your comments and suspicions, and do it as confidently as possible so as not to pay extra money later.

Vehicle depreciation

When buying a used car, you should not pre-set yourself that its owner is not a fan of fast and extreme driving, and that all he did was blow off dust particles from this handsome man and kept him in the garage almost without a break. We advise you to think diametrically opposite: the owner must have been an extreme daredevil and did not spare his car at all. This may not actually be true, but this is how it will be very useful for you to think.

In any case, the very style of sports car driving presupposes high speeds and, accordingly, a high degree of emergency situations. And this circumstance can provide you with additional costs for unexpected repairs of a newly purchased vehicle.

With these thoughts in mind, you will most thoroughly begin to inspect the body for damage. Be sure to pay attention to the condition of the suspensions, and also inspect the front bumper, especially its lower part - there may be traces of unsuccessful parking there.

And in general, demand proof that this car is not a "changeling" or "drowned" and that it was not undergoing long-term repairs as a result of a serious accident.

Don't forget to inspect the plastic body kit. The fact is that this design is made in expensive ateliers, and therefore replacing a damaged part can cost you dearly.

If you are a fairly experienced driver (otherwise, invite a specialist to inspect the sports car, preferably from among your friends or acquaintances), then during the inspection you will have to pay attention to the conformity or inconsistency of the state of the interior with the declared mileage of the car.

Be aware that too polished "steering wheel", as well as cracked upholstery of seats, worn pedal pads indicate not easy country walks.

The rims are also noteworthy. Sports car wheels are not designed for low cost replacement. Therefore, those road defects that this car may have had to go through could lead to irreversible deformation of the discs.

The body is easiest to analyze. One visual inspection is enough to see the absence of traces of global repairs. And if you do not find these traces, you can not expect other surprises from the body: a rare owner will operate a car in winter or in the mud. A sports car is mainly driven only in dry and warm seasons.


It is possible that the vehicle that piqued your interest may be under warranty that has not yet expired. And then you will need to find out if this warranty is canceled or not. Check out the reasons why your warranty may be voided:

  • Violation of the timing of replacing even one working fluid;
  • Violation of the timing of replacing the toothed belt;
  • Changes to the electronics or software not specified by the manufacturer.

In order to avoid misunderstandings, you will have to check all the entries in the service book in order to personally verify the timely maintenance of the sports car. And don't forget to ask your authorized dealer for the information you need. To do this, use the VIN number of the car, which you will get from the seller.

It is also necessary to take into account one more circumstance: despite the beauty of a sports car, some owners are not satisfied with its appearance, and therefore they begin to experiment with tuning, realizing their creative imagination.

You should know that such experiments lead not only to the loss of the warranty, but also to serious problems with the registration of the newly purchased car. The fact is that the owner could install exclusive equipment on the autocar, which was made to order. Such alteration can significantly raise the cost of the machine, and in the future, complicate its further maintenance and repair.

Diagnostics at the service center

If you have already decided to buy a used sports car, then take the money for a comprehensive diagnostics of the car in a professional service center. By paying for diagnostics, you will protect yourself from more serious material costs in the future.

If you do not do this, then by doing this you will help the unscrupulous seller to disguise such defects that will significantly reduce the period of further trouble-free operation of the sports car.

It is advisable that you yourself be present during the diagnosis and see with your own eyes all the detected faults. Pay special attention to the engine, considering that on sports models it works at maximum modes.

As a result of checking the engine, you should find out the exhaust parameters, the presence or absence of leaks, the state of compression - everything related to the residual resource. The more you know about possible machine malfunctions, the easier it will be for you to negotiate with the seller on the price of the car.

Issue price

Of course, you need to know the real cost of the car you are going to buy, regardless of how much the seller plans to get for it. For these purposes, it will not hurt you to look through various sources of this kind of information: newspapers, magazines, as well as Internet resources on which such machines are sold. It's no secret that the price of a used car can depend on its general technical condition, mileage, age, and even region.

After reading this information, you should further determine for yourself the minimum and maximum cost of the selected sports car. It will be very good if you determine the so-called "local" price for the car. The fact is that in different regions the price for the same model may also be different. And it is quite possible that this sports car in another area can cost you much cheaper.

Correct conversation with the seller

When discussing the selected vehicle with the seller, do not hesitate to ask specific questions. And the more competently you do it, the less chances the seller will have something to hide from you. Here is an approximate list of such questions.

  • What is the mileage of a sports car?
  • What are its characteristics and features?
  • Condition of paintwork, tires, upholstery, bodywork and appearance?
  • Has the sports car ever been in an accident?
  • Is the owner of the car smoking (the smell in the cabin also matters)?
  • What is the state of the documentation for the car?
  • Did other owners have this car, and for what purposes did they use it?

Ask questions, as they say, directly in the forehead, and follow the reaction of the owner of the car. Sometimes it is noticeable whether a person is sincere or disingenuous. Through these questions, you can find out if this seller can be trusted or not.

Do not give in to pressure from the seller.

If you decide to buy a used car, especially a sports car, then you need to be aware that rushing buyers are the most favorite customers for sellers. Such buyers, as a rule, inspect the car inattentively, hardly bargain, and are always ready to overpay. Never negotiate with a seller in a hurry, and at the same time do not demonstrate your irrepressible desire to buy this particular car - the seller will definitely take advantage of this in order to raise the price, and at the same time hide possible defects.

Many salespeople have hidden pressure on you that you shouldn't. For example, a salesperson can inform you, as it were, that this car has a few more buyers who will come later. And, if you want to get this sports car, then you need to hurry up with the choice.

Even if this is not a gimmick, but turns out to be true, in any case, take your time. Think that this car is not the only one in the world, and the rush can turn against you.

And don't forget to bargain! Even if the seller told you the final price, persistently try to bring it down. Display newspaper ads that include your stated price for the exact same car. And at the same time, do not be afraid to speak clearly and confidently about possible shortcomings and problems in order to lower the cost.

As a result, firmly state your final price and then watch the seller. If he doesn’t give in, leave and don’t regret anything - after all, you did your research on the cost of this car, and why would you pay more?

Now attention! It is likely that before you get to the door, the seller can stop you and offer you exactly the cost option that suits you. And this will be your victory. And if that doesn't happen, remember that the used car market is very saturated and you can always find what you need.
