Drivers of China: Top 10 Interesting Facts


The content of the article:

  1. The most interesting facts about Chinese drivers
    • Pedestrian accident
    • Drivers and dogs
    • High beam
    • "Compliance" with traffic rules
    • Dislike for the local auto industry
    • Size matters
    • Point system
    • Feature of Chinese taxi drivers
    • Car drivers and city transport drivers
    • Love for overload

The highways of China can rightfully be called a local attraction. With the supernatural speed of construction and the high quality of the roadway itself, on a major highway, you can find a cart pulled by a horse, or a tractor adjacent to a Lexus at an intersection. And legends can be made about the peculiarities of Chinese drivers.

The most interesting facts about Chinese drivers

1. Accident with a pedestrian

It is very dangerous to be a pedestrian in China. Indeed, in case of an accidental collision, the driver ... will finish off his victim. As crazy as it sounds, it is a confirmed fact - Chinese drivers deliberately run over the hit pedestrian several more times in order to kill for sure.

The monstrous behavior of drivers is explained by more than strange legislation regarding compensation payments to victims of road accidents. In the event of a fatal outcome, the car owner faces a fine in the amount of 30 to 70 thousand dollars, after which all charges are dropped from him and the incident is forgotten. Whereas the surviving pedestrian will have to pay for life for all his treatment for injuries received in the accident, real or contrived. And this can already result in almost millions.

Unfortunately, such laws lead to a completely perverted perception of reality. So, there are cases when the victims were barely hit by a passing car, got up and went on about their business. But the drivers came back and finished off the completely unharmed person, confident that they would avoid punishment.

Even bribing a witness or a judge is cheaper than the potential pedestrian demands.

Seeing that the public undertook to protect the rights of victims in their own way, by beating or killing the guilty drivers, the state began to amend the laws. Already allowed to sue on behalf of someone else, for example, on behalf of the person who died in the accident. Multiple hitting a person was recognized as murder, and not ordinary negligence or negligence. But so far judicial practice shows that the police, the media, and prosecutors willingly believe in absolutely fantastic versions of accidental raids, allowing motorists to kill further.

2. Drivers and dogs

A strange picture can be observed on Chinese streets - the wheels of cars parked along the road are covered with plywood, pieces of doors, and thick cardboard. What is the reason for such mysterious manipulations? It turns out that car owners are trying to protect their property from animal feces in a similar way. Chinese motorists are confident that:

  • rubber soaked in urine, heated under the rays of the sun, will exude a nightmare odor;
  • animal urine can corrode the tire and cause it to explode at the most unexpected moment.

3. High beam

Every driver has at least once encountered impudent neighbors in the traffic, following too close with the high beam on. Thus, they blind the driver in front and create an emergency. Chinese motorists have come up with an unusual way to combat boorish behavior on the road - with the help of frightening reflective stickers.

Nightmarish pictures are absolutely invisible during the day, but in the dark, glued to the rear window under the headlights, they make an impressive sight. A formidable weapon costs in the range of $ 3 to $ 18 and is immensely popular among motorists.

Police officers are ambivalent about this arbitrariness of drivers. On the one hand, motorists do not violate the law in any way, do not violate the law. On the other hand, if an eerie picture scares the driver following the trail and leads to an emergency on the road, this will lead to corresponding liability and penalties for the owner of the sticker.

4. "Compliance" with traffic rules

If all the spiteful critics who condemn Russian drivers for non-observance of traffic rules were in China, they would understand that our compatriots perfectly follow the letter of the law compared to their Chinese colleagues.

The Chinese think only of themselves and drive the way they want, not the way they should. On the highway, they will not allow neighbors to change lanes.

They will cross the intersection extremely slowly, creating a monstrous traffic jam, because at this moment they are drinking coffee. A villager entering a large city will adhere to his village driving standards. And with all this, absolutely everyone is constantly honking each other, threatening, warning, or simply from an overabundance of feelings.

As described above, Chinese drivers have a special relationship with pedestrians, but this war is being fought on both sides. For their part, Chinese pedestrians do not consider it necessary to use crossings on the roads, preferring to quickly run across everywhere. For this, motorists are allowed not to let pedestrians pass and not even slow down at crossings. The results of these clashes can be found in the first paragraph of the article.

5. Dislike for the local auto industry

Although the Chinese auto industry has long overtaken even the world leader in sales - America, motorists themselves do not really like domestic technology. According to the results of the rating, several Volkswagen models, a couple of types of Chevrolet and Ford Focus took the first places. Among their own creations, Chinese drivers noted only the Great Wall.

The state has made a huge contribution to the development of the automotive industry by banning the import of foreign cars.

The same manufacturers, who are eager to penetrate the Chinese market, have to launch joint production with Chinese companies, and give them a controlling stake. Thus, even those European and American models that the Chinese love to ride are just an adaptation to the Chinese realities of famous brands.

6. Size matters

Complementing the theme of car models, it should be noted that for the Chinese, the size of their car is of great importance.

Car enthusiasts buy their cars according to the principle “the longer the better”. Therefore, any car, domestic or imported, in the process of modernization, they stretch like a dachshund, turning it almost into a limousine.

7. Point system

China has a unique point system for calculating fines. From the moment of obtaining a driver's license, each driver receives 12 points for a year, which are deducted for each violation. If this limit is exceeded, the malicious violator can be sent to retake the exam, depriving him of his rights. At the end of the year, the points are restored again.

But the strange Chinese order interferes with the legislation here too. So, any driver with a fault can borrow or buy points from another motorist. After receiving a fine, he asks a friend to come to the police with his penalty receipt and present his rights. Employees, without matching a photo or surname, automatically write off points from the account of the driver who came, and the real offender goes unpunished.

8. Feature of Chinese taxi drivers

In China, everyone cheats, and taxi drivers - especially sophisticated. The fact is that the Uber taxi-calling system gives drivers too many privileges.For example, even for a canceled order, the taxi driver will receive a fee, albeit a small one. At the moment when the driver presses the button for the finished trip, he also receives payment to his account. What is really going on?

Each taxi driver has a personal Uber profile, where they post their photo and other important personal information. It is here that the Chinese turn on their imagination, posting photos with eyes down, bleached faces, painted lips with black color, as if they are going to Halloween. And some potential passengers, receiving information about a car that had left for the order and looking at a photo of their future driver, in horror cancel the trip. At the same time, the taxi driver gets his 4 yuan.

Of course, they are trying to fight against such scammers by blocking their accounts, but they are being replaced by others. They take the order and mark it as completed, without moving from their place. This manipulation also brings in small, but still income, with a minimum of effort.

9. Car drivers and city transport drivers

Since public transport in China is always monstrously overloaded, and drivers behave on the roads in the same way as other motorists, this leads to large-scale accidents. And since a heavy bus with hundreds of passengers can cause significant damage, which will have to be paid for by a transport company, they decided to train drivers to distinguish expensive cars from budget ones.

In addition to regular classes in the company's offices for the study of luxury car brands, a special poster was hung in the cab of each bus with the image of the nameplates of all supercars on the roads. Thus, the company can save on accidents from 30 thousand dollars for a relatively inexpensive car to 160 thousand for, for example, a Rolls-Royce.

10. Love for overload

If, for personal purposes or in the performance of official duties, a Chinese driver needs to transfer certain products, he will try to load his car as much as possible. So much so that the logs hanging from the body will scratch the asphalt, or, due to the uncountable number of bags with building materials, the car will tilt so that the wheels will hang in the air.

Police officers are trying to deal with such drivers.

There were cases when drivers were carrying such a load that a bridge broke under the car.

In addition, bulky bags or boxes obstruct the view of all other road users, leading to accidents. But even here the enterprising Chinese manage to convince the authorities. They complain that they cannot afford a big car, thus saving gas and time for themselves and their employer.

Chinese highways can rightfully be called a battlefield, where everyone is for himself. Here you can easily be knocked down on the sidewalk, here it is permissible to suddenly turn around through two solid ones and go in a completely different direction, here you need to turn your head 360 degrees to all participants in the movement. And here a foreigner should never get behind the wheel himself.
