How to buy good spare parts at auto dismantlers


The content of the article:

  • Engine
  • Transmission
  • Headlights, lanterns
  • Car drive
  • Cooling system, body and brakes
  • Electrical equipment

Every car enthusiast sooner or later faces a car repair. Whether it is a minor repair or a major one - there is almost always a need to replace any unit or unit. The cost of new original spare parts often exceeds the financial capabilities of the car owner, and the quality of analogues is not always up to par, although their price is much lower.

In such cases, auto disassembly comes to the rescue. There you can buy absolutely any used spare part that can serve for many more years. You just need to make sure that the resource of the replaced element has not yet been exhausted, otherwise there is little sense in this purchase.

The article discusses the basic rules for choosing used items, how to distinguish a high-quality spare part from a low-quality one, how to check a part on the spot and other issues that arise when contacting auto disassembly sellers.

Engine - we buy at autodisassembly

The motor is the heart of the car. There are not very many options in which it becomes necessary to purchase a used engine. Mostly it is bought when the cost of repairing an old motor exceeds the cost of a used unit. For example, an engine in excellent condition with a volume of 2 liters on a Mazda 3 can be found at a breakdown yard for 45,000 rubles. And the cost of repairing such an engine can reach 140,000 rubles - the economic benefit of a used motor forces us to consider this particular option.
The choice of a used engine must be taken very responsibly and scrupulously:

Visual inspection

Examine the engine. If it is in oil, then there is a high probability of malfunction of some of its elements, for example, gaskets and oil seals. Pay attention to the condition of the gaskets - they should also not have any oil leaks.

Take a flashlight and unscrew the oil filler cap. Shine a light inside and carefully inspect the internal elements of the engine - they should have a bronze tint. There should be no oil deposits inside. Pay attention to the junction of the exhaust manifold with the engine - here, too, oil leaks are not allowed.

Check the crankshaft play, inspect the mounting bolts - they should not have rolled edges.

Be sure to check the condition of the guides and all valves on the engine.
The oil should not contain any small particles visible to the naked eye, metal shavings should not be allowed.

Functional check

Starting the engine before buying is a must. Listen carefully to its work, make sure there are no knocks, squeaks, whistles and other extraneous noises. After work, you need to check the spark plugs: a light brown color of carbon deposits indicates a good condition of the engine, and black indicates a need for repair.

Storage conditions

Everything is simple here - you need to find out the storage conditions. If the motor was stored in the open air, and even for a long time, we simply refuse to purchase.

All questions that may arise to the seller must be drawn up in advance and boldly ask them. It should be remembered that the seller's task is to sell the product, so we check all his statements as far as possible.

Gearbox - purchase at a breakdown yard

The reason for choosing a "used" gearbox is the same as with an engine: the cost of repairing it can be up to half the cost of the entire car (this is especially true for automatic gearboxes), so in this situation there is a direct road to autodismantling.

The design features of the gearbox are such that the loads occurring in it are significantly lower than the loads in the engine. In addition, there is no combustion process, there is no exhaust, and the oil will always be light in color.


The condition of the oil can say a lot about the performance of the gearbox - only a light translucent color and the absence of the slightest signs of working off. If it is possible to assess the condition of the oil before buying a box, then this must be done first.

Remember that if the gearbox is in good condition, even with a decent mileage, there should be no oil leaks in it.

Gearbox assemblies

All gears, torque converters and other internal components must be of a pure metallic color with no visible signs of mechanical wear. The presence of metal shavings inside the checkpoint is not allowed, otherwise it is necessary to look at other copies.

Check with the seller if there is a warranty period for checking the checkpoint after installation. If it is, then after installing the box, give it a test drive, paying attention to the clarity of the gear shift, the absence of extraneous noise and the smoothness of the ride.

If the seller refuses to provide a "trial period", we simply leave the auto disassembly.

Headlights, lanterns - second-hand purchase

The peculiarity of these elements is that they very rarely come into disrepair as a "pair" - usually, motorists need only one headlamp.

The old headlamp should not be thrown away immediately, as it will still act as a reference. The fact is that in cars of the same model range and year of manufacture, the design of the headlights may differ in the internal pattern, reflector, method of connection and decor. Therefore, you must have the original with you in order to find the most similar headlight. This is especially true for plastic headlights, which tend to grow cloudy over time - having a sample with you, you can pick up a headlamp that is identical in state and appearance.

Car drive - how to buy at a breakdown yard

A very important element of the machine. The safe operation of a vehicle often depends on the condition of the drive.

Usually, buying a new original drive is impossible due to the high cost. Analogs can be found not for all models, and their quality is far from always at the proper level.
At auto dismantlers you can find the original drive, the price of which will be two to three times lower than the new one.

  • When choosing a used drive, pay attention to the condition of the anthers - we bypass the "wet" ones. It will not be superfluous to inquire about the manufacturer of the anthers - preference should be given to the original elements. They themselves should not be cracked or otherwise damaged. The shafts must be completely flat.
  • When bending the CV joint, there should be no sound of metallic friction. But since it is not always possible to apply the necessary force, check with the seller about the warranty period for the part.

Cooling system, body and brakes - auto parts for dismantlers

Thermostats, pumps and other cooling elements are not designed to last long from the start. Therefore, you should abandon the search for these spare parts at autodisassembly and buy new ones.

Body elements

Doors, fenders, trunk lids - these parts are often damaged in an accident, therefore, when choosing these elements, you should pay attention to the absence of traces of repair, welding, repainting.

As for bumpers, for motorists this is practically a consumable, so there are no special requirements for their condition.


Buying "used" spare parts for the brake system is highly undesirable. It is recommended to install brake discs, pads, calipers, cylinders only with new ones.
The exceptions are cases when the model is very rare, and the cost of the spare part will be very high.

We buy electrical equipment for auto dismantling

Generators, starters and other electrical machines can be purchased at auto breakdowns. But the wiring itself should only be installed new, although this significantly hits the pocket of the car owner.

You should also refuse to buy used sensors.

Considering the above, it becomes clear that auto-dismantling has a lot of advantages:

  • original parts;
  • the ability to inspect the part on site;
  • you can purchase a used spare part with the characteristics of a new one, while the price will be two to three times lower;
  • on some cars, small interior parts (handles, plugs, trim) can only be found at auto-dismantlers.

Over time, auto dismantlers began to appear, specializing in certain brands and even models, thanks to which you can find any part for any car, while saving an impressive amount of money.
