The prototype of the new Audi Q6 will be on electricity


Teasers of the Audi Q6, an electric crossover that will compete with the Tesla Model X, have been leaked into the network, while teasers of the Audi Q6, an electric crossover that will compete with the Tesla Model X, have been leaked.

The Frankfurt Motor Show promises to be very, very attractive. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that it will be the prototype for the Audi Q6, which is scheduled for release in 2018.

In turn, the Audi Q6 is expected to completely lack an internal combustion engine, as well as the use of OLED technology in all lighting technology. OLEDs are much more economical than conventional LEDs and do not require cooling.

According to unconfirmed information, the Q6, teasers of which appeared on the Internet (again, unofficial), will be equipped with a battery with a capacity of more than 90 kWh. It will power three electric motors with a total power of over 500 horsepower. Thanks to many factors, including a drag coefficient of less than 0.3, the range will exceed 500 km.

